Please sign up for the project before downloading your kit!
Kits are bilingual (English and Spanish). You can download your kit here.
The Celebrate Urban Birds kit includes:
Let’s Get Started instructions
The kit includes everything you need to participate in the project. Instructions are clear and simple. Take it with you when you go out to watch birds!
Silhouette Poster
Learn to identify birds by looking at their shapes with this poster.
Bird ID Guide
Use this guide with our 16 focal species and 8 hummingbird species to help you identify the birds you see.
Data Sheet
The kit includes a data form. Please send us your data form, which can be entered online using a Citizen Scientist Account. We also accept printed forms. Our mailing address is: Celebrate Urban Birds, 159 Sapsucker Woods Rd, Ithaca NY, 14850.
Tally Sheet
This new Tally sheet includes beautiful photographs that will help you recognize the focal species. Use this when you do your 10-minute observation! Please, remember to transfer your observations to the Data Sheet (above) so you can share your observations with us.
“Zero Means a Lot!” Sticker and Lemon Queen Sunflower Seeds Packet
All participants receive a “Zero Means a Lot” sticker with their kit. For participants within the US, kits also include a small packet of sunflower seeds.